Philippines Part 2 – Island Life


Kitty and Santa found themselves on the back of motorcycles touring around the island with their local friends, Ramos and Denmar.   They rode through the small villages and became very envious of the simplicity that comes with island life. The guys took Kitty and Santa to an amazing beach and showed them where to get the best fresh coconut drinks right from the tree.







Ramos and Denmar are cousins and both grew up on the island. They explained to Kitty and Santa that their grandparents moved to the island when tourism was nonexistent and had 11 kids. Each of those kids (including their parents) had around 10 or 11 kids. So literally everyone was related to them. They told Kitty and Santa that they absolutely loved their island life and wouldn’t trade it in for anything. They both own little huts by the beach, they have electricity, a TV and good rum. Their pet roosters win them money in the weekly cockfights and they both participate in the Island’s Dragon Racing. Kitty and Santa were in shock when they heard the guys  made around $5.00  a day through booking tours and that was plenty of money for them. Enough for food, drinks and bills. They said if one day they don’t make enough to eat then they just go to one of their 145 relatives on the island whom conveniently all live in huts surrounding them. Denmar said “I’m not rich, I don’t have a lot, but I am so happy. This island is my family and we take care of each other. We are happy and that makes us rich.”  This really stuck with Kitty and Santa. How amazing to meet people who truly appreciate every aspect of their life without the need of materialistic items. People work their entire lives in hopes to retire to an island like this when in reality it would only cost them $5.00 a day to just do it (give or take). Kitty and Santa want to urge all of you reading this that there is no better time in life than NOW. Money means nothing in the end. Do only what you love. Enjoy the amazing life you were granted, the beautiful places in this world and all the bright souls you might meet along the way…because there are SOO many of them out there. Kitty and Santa were feeling truly happy and blessed. 

When they were done sleeping on the beach they went back to where Ramos had said he would meet them. He was there waiting but it was only him and his motorcycle. Confused Kitty and Santa asked where his cousin was. Ramos told them he had to do something so he would be taking them back. Still confused Kitty and Santa both said “On your motorcycle?” Ramos also looked confused “Yes, lets go.” Santa got on and then Kitty did too. They had become those people they were always laughing at riding 3 deep on a motorcycle. They felt very odd about the situation until they pulled up next to a family of 5 and a baby on 1 motorcycle. Then it wasn’t so bad. (to our mom’s: please know these island roads move VERY slow or Kitty and Santa would have never agreed to get on). They safely arrived back to their beach for sunset.

As they strolled back to their favorite beach bar, Nigi Nigi Nu Noos, Ramos offered to take them out the next day on his boat. He told Kitty and Santa he would take them snorkeling and to a some private islands where he could cook them his famous Philippine BBQ chicken. Sounded like a dream come true, Kitty and Santa kindly accepted the invitation!

Even though Kitty and Santa had been hanging around these guys for the past few days they still took the necessary precautions before heading to sea with their friends. That night at the bar Santa told just about every person she met to remember her face incase they saw her on the news in the days comming. She told them a detailed description of Ramos and Denmar and where exactly they like to hang out and every bit of information they told her. When Santa got home she wrote an email titled “IF I GO MISSING, READ THIS”  and sent it to herself and Kitty just in case. Santa was sure the FBI would check her e-mail if something happened. She also wrote a note and left it on her bed for housekeeping. Its safe to say that Santa and Kitty have watched one too many ‘I survived’ / 48 hour murder mystery shows. They weren’t going to be the girls that go missing on an island without a trace. They left clues hidden EVERYWHERE.

Turns out Denmar, Ramos and  a few of their cousins that joined them were really just amazing people. They didn’t want to harm or kill Kitty and Santa, they just wanted to cook them chicken and ask them questions about their life back in the states. The day at sea couldn’t have been more of an amazing experience thanks to the amazing Filipino hospitality and culture!





Where we enjoyed lunch and a few bottles of rum :  )






Saying goodbye to the boat and our friends



❤ Peace, love & freedom to all of you on this journey we call life. ❤


“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.” 
― Oprah Winfrey

Philippines – Part 1 – Helmet Heads.


Kitty as Santa packed their bags and headed to the Philippines for a well deserved week of sunshine on Boracay Island. They arrived on the island of Caticlan where they were told they could hail a tricycle to the boat docks. Kitty and Santa were skeptical of these tricycles they spoke of. If the 7 year olds on the island drove as bad as the 7 year olds in Korea they might never make it to the beach. Kitty and Santa knew this trip was going to be a memorable one from the moment they climbed into the rickety metal side cart on a motorbike and were handed a beer. A tricycle built for 3….or 7 or 10.

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The sound of motorbike echoed in the air as they rode shotgun with their driver, Ramal, down the dirt roads through the lush tropical forest. Warm air blowing in their faces, the sun on their transparent winter white skin and the smell of sunshine, palm trees and freedom in the air (yes, were talking about that amazing scent).  They reached a port where they got on a boat and were taken to Boracay Island. Kitty and Santa checked into their hotel and immediately headed across the street to the beach.



Paradise greeted them with cocktails and refreshingly happy and welcoming islanders. Kitty and Santa made friends fast while sipping cocktails. Their new local friends, Ramos and Denmar, helped them set up a few activities for the next few days. They watched as the sun set turning the sky into a swirls of orange, red, pink, purple and yellow. Talk about a sunset.


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Kitty and Santa woke up in the morning feeling like they could go for some true R&R after a night of cocktails so they headed to the beach where they paid $3 for a massage under a private cabana, it was worth every peso.

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They soaked up the morning rays & then met up with Ramos and Denmar for a little adventure. Helmet diving! Kitty and Santa had read about this popular tourist activity and decided to give it a try. They headed out on a boat where they were given a brief instruction on how to lower themselves down to the ocean floor with a giant 15 pound helmet on.  The helmet was open and sat on their shoulders connected to oxygen that pressurized the inside of it. Its kind of like when you put a cup in water and the air keeps the cup from filling up, except Kitty and Santa’s heads were going to be in this cup. Their eyes grew big as they started to question this decision. “Are there sharks? What if science fails and water goes into my helmet? What if the oxygen runs out? What if I get lost down there?” The what ifs went on for 5 minutes before the locals shushed them. They put the giant cement helmet on Santa’s head and started pushing her down a ladder into the ocean. A scuba diver waited for her in the water making sure she got down properly without blowing up her head from all the pressure. Once at the bottom of the ocean Santa stood there all alone waiting for Kitty to join her. She laughed hysterically to herself at the thought of what this must look like. Oh wait, here’s a shot.


Once Kitty was down there with her they both just stared at each other with that deer in the headlights look. The diver gave them a piece of bread to hold and they were attacked by a sea of tropical fish. They felt like they were in a very strange video game. Kitty’s eyes were large with fear the entire time they were down there. The guide tried to get her to move around but she said no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t seem to gain mobility. Santa started to feel like she was going to throw up in her helmet so she tried to get the guides attention. Apparently she didn’t listen very well during instructions and he thought she was saying that she wanted to go for a walk. He grabbed her and kitty and started pulling them around the coral reefs. Santa was turning white in the face when she tried to motion again that she needed to go up. The guide understood but decided to take Kitty first since she looked like she was going to have a stroke. Santa again was left standing alone on the ocean floor, eyes wide, turning in circles slowly wondering if sharks are attracted to throw up.

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After a short 30 minutes back on land they were shuttled off to go parasailing. Santa was feeling shaky but thought being in the air would help so they geared up and latched onto their superman parachute for liftoff. Up, up, up & away!
Kitty and Santa couldn’t believe how cool this was! The views were breathtaking.
About 10 minutes into it Santa again became very ill. This time kitty was afraid the wind might forcefully involve her in the situation. Santa braced herself for the worst as they were being lowered down back into the boat. One of the  workers was kind enough to capture the entire thing on Kitty’s camera. They guessed going from the ocean floor to the clouds in the sky within a hour probably wasn’t the smartest idea for someone who has regular motion sickness BUT they would do it all over again!
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Kitty and Santa travel quotes:
While waiting for the flight attendant to check their tickets, Kitty has her music blaring in ears and leans over to tell Santa a secret. She SCREAMS “HE SMELLS LIKE CIGS REAL BAD!” Then looks back at Santa like did you hear me or was that too quiet. Then proceeds to shout “BAD. LIKE REAL BAD SANTA” Santa dropped her head down hoping the guy didn’t speak english, or couldn’t hear.
The customs worker in the Philippines asked Kitty if she had any checked luggage. She looked at Santa and grinned like an excited school boy “Did he just ask me if I want chicken nuggets? I love this place.” Santa didn’t have the heart to tell her what was really going on so Kitty politely answered “Of course I do!” She was confused when he took her luggage and didn’t give her any nuggets. Next time Kitty, next time.
Santa’s hearing is no better:
Guy: “Have you ever been in a helicopter?”
Santa: “NO. What is that?”
Guy: “A helicopter? You don’t know what that is?”
Santa: “No, but I would love to hear more about where I can find one.”
Kitty: “NO. She would just love to HEAR. SANTA HE SAID HELICOPTEEERRRRR!”