And they’re off!!


Santa sprinted down the brightly lit kindergarden hallway with her hands covered over her mouth. Her Korean kitten slippers slid around on the hardwood floors as she, dodged, jumped and gently knocked kids off their feet in her panic. Green in the face she made it in time for the flu to abort her body in the correct place, unlike the day before when poor Mark splattered in the hallway10 steps too soon. It appears germs travel extremely fast when one works with kids and although this isn’t how Santa thought her last Friday teaching would end up, it still doesn’t take away from the best year of her life. Kitty kindly strolled through the door at 6:00 PM with some amazing soup that one of their co-workers bought them as a get-well and have a great last weekend in Korea gift. As they sipped their soup they took a good look around their Korean shoebox where they spent the last 365 days “What a year”….

Korea to them is one of those countries, that honestly, no matter how much they talk about it is completely indescribable. There is a large sense of love for the beauty of the land, the children, the culture and the food and yet at the same time they want to flip it the bird and bid it fair well with a giant F*YOU! (after time has passed they will explain Korea in a new light & truth they we’re not able to express over the past year because of their job). Thats not to say that Kitty and Santa will leave Korea with an ounce of hate because it’s so far from that. They have nothing but love for this experience but it was exactly that, an experience. One to love, to learn from and most importantly one that opened their eyes and mind to a whole new world and way of life.
and now…they are off!! Work is done. Hugs, tears and goodbyes are finished. Bank accounts closed. Korea has been an amazing chapter, a wonderful year that will always be cherished for everything it was. They are sad to go but so excited for the journey that awaits them. 90 days, 3 months, 2,160 hours of chaos and life changing travel. 20 friends and family along the way, it truly is a dream come true.
Kitty and Santa plan on updating the blog every few days with hilarious stories on their gypsy life. Thank you to everyone who has followed this journey, you are all a blessing in Kitty and Santa’s life and they wouldn’t be able to do this without your love and support!
In  6 short hours  they get to meet their families at their departing gate in Seoul. Kitty and Santa’s families connecting flight is their departure flight from Korea. It’s going to be an emotional reunion that will make leaving Korea so much easier. Korea will always have a piece of their heart and those kids will never be forgotten. Ever.
As for now… THAILAND.